Rising Temperature and Heat Waves can damage your home. Act now to protect it!

The Devastating Heat Wave of West Bengal: Threats to Home’s Integrity

India is a tropical country hence most of the states in the nation suffer from scorching heat throughout the year. The same temperature notion stays valid for West Bengal as well. Located on the eastern coast of India, West Bengal is currently grappling with a severe heat wave that has inflicted considerable damage to both the environment and the infrastructure. As temperatures continue to soar to unprecedented levels, the integrity of our homes is being severely tested. In this article, we will explore the detrimental effects of the heat wave on the structural integrity of houses in West Bengal and discuss potential solutions to mitigate these risks.

There are two types of heat that damage the integrity of a home; they are sensible heat and latent heat. Let’s walk you through the impact both of these heats have on the integrity of homes!

Different Impact of Heat on Homes in West Bengal

Effect on Building Materials

One of the primary challenges posed by extreme heat is the impact on building materials. Many traditional construction materials, such as bricks, concrete, and mortar, are highly susceptible to thermal stress. The prolonged exposure to intense heat causes them to expand, resulting in cracks and fissures. Moreover, the repeated cycles of heating and cooling weaken the structural integrity of these materials, making them more vulnerable to damage.

Impact on Roofing Systems

The scorching heat wave also exerts significant pressure on roofing systems. Roofs, particularly those made of metal absorb and retain an immense amount of heat. As a result, the temperature inside the house increases, leading to discomfort and potential health risks for the occupants. Furthermore, the constant expansion and contraction of the roofing materials due to extreme temperatures can cause leaks and structural damage.

Impact on Electrical Systems

Another concern during heat waves is the strain placed on electrical systems. As the demand for air conditioning and other cooling devices surges, the electrical grid experiences increased stress. The risk of power outages and electrical fires rises as the infrastructure struggles to cope with the excessive load. Such disruptions can pose severe dangers to both the occupants and the structural integrity of the home.

Effect on Water Supply

Heat waves often lead to water scarcity and drought-like conditions. As water levels drop, the groundwater table may deplete, affecting the stability of the soil on which homes are built. Uneven settlement and subsidence can occur, leading to cracks in walls, floors, and foundations. Moreover, excessive heat can cause pipes and plumbing systems to weaken and even burst, resulting in water damage and further compromising the integrity of the house.

Now that we know the different ways heat affects the integrity of a home, let’s walk you through the ways to protect your home from heat damage.

General Mitigation Strategies

To protect homes from the adverse effects of heat waves, several mitigation strategies can be employed:

  1. Insulation: Proper insulation, including roof insulation and wall insulation, can significantly reduce heat transfer and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.
  2. Ventilation: Adequate ventilation through the use of fans, exhaust systems, and natural air circulation can help regulate temperatures and minimize the strain on cooling devices.
  3. Cool Roofs: Implementing cool roof technologies, such as reflective coatings or light-colored materials, can reduce heat absorption and lower the internal temperature of the house.
  4. Energy-efficient Appliances: Opting for energy-efficient cooling devices and appliances can alleviate the strain on the electrical system during peak heat wave periods.
  5. Water Conservation: Practicing water conservation measures help to ensure the stability of the soil and the plumbing system. Efficient water management can minimize subsidence and the risk of water-related damage.

However, despite implementing these mitigation strategies many homes continue to face challenges due to heat waves in West Bengal. These challenges mainly arrive from the gaps in implementing the mitigation strategies. Hence, to provide a one-stop solution to tackle heat waves from damaging homes, at Sturdflex we bring you Top Coat Cool and Top Coat Primer.  

Let’s walk you through how these two products can protect homes from heat damage!

Sturdflex Topcoat Primer

This is a PUD-based viscous fluid made of 20–30% synthetic resin, 60–80% solvent, and 2–5 percent additional agent. The Topcoat Primer is applied to the surface before the painting to generate a binding layer that acts as an adhesion between the paint and the surface for a smooth and even finish during painting. The application of Topcoat Primer creates a layer of above 1mm or more that acts as a protective shield against heat radiation by reflecting heat from entering your home. Thus, protect your civil structure/homes from heat damage. 

Benefits that Topcoat Primer provides:

  • Gives the highest level of heatproofing, which will last decades. It can withstand extreme weather and natural corrosion 
  • Provides a high degree of cooling
  • Allows any existing moisture trapped inside the structure to exit in the form of vapour
  • Creates an extremely durable membrane that lasts decades

Sturdflex Topcoat Cool

It is a solution developed using PUD-based technology to provide the highest grade of heat resistance capacity. It acts as a reflective coating on roof slabs, and exterior walls of a building that reduces the temperature inside a home/civil structure by 3-4 degrees thus, protect homes from heat damage. 

Benefits that Topcoat Cool provides:

  • Gives the highest level of heat resistance, which will last decades. It can withstand extreme weather and natural corrosion hence protecting homes around the year 
  • Provides a high degree of cooling effect with a smooth finish when applied on Topcoat Primer
  • Allows any existing moisture trapped inside the structure to exit in the form of vapour, minimizing the heat damages that can cause expansion and contraction of concrete or cement structure 
  • Creates an extremely durable membrane that lasts for generation

These 2-step heat solutions by Sturdflex will not only protect your home and civil structures from heat but will also protect the internal and external integrity of the building for generations to come. Hence, helping you protect your civil structure/homes from the huge amount of compression pressure, because of continuous heat waves; caused during summer. 

Hence to ensure complete protection of your home from Heat Waves of West Bengal in a tropical climate nation like India; Sturdflex Topcoat Cool and Topcoat Primer are just the one-stop solutions that you can rely on during construction. 


The ongoing heat wave in West Bengal poses a significant threat to the integrity of our homes. The adverse impact on building materials, roofing systems, electrical systems, and plumbing requires careful attention and proactive measures. By adopting appropriate mitigation strategies, homeowners can safeguard their properties against the detrimental effects of extreme heat. Additionally, it is crucial for policymakers and urban planners to incorporate climate-resilient designs and building codes to construct homes that can withstand the growing challenges of a changing climate. Only through collective efforts can we ensure the safety and integrity of our homes in the face of such extreme weather events.